Friday, 8 May 2015

Dev Log Update: Cameras & Stall Update

This week we've completed the camera system and worked on a new look for the stalls.


The Basic Camera
Cameras have had a complete graphical and code update. Not only do they now look much better but they also have a variety of functions and types. 

Firstly, all cameras are connected to the control room and turn on and off depending on whether or not the control room is manned by a guard. If they are off, they cannot detect thieves. 

Cameras Turning Off & On
Not only this, but cameras now have a vision cone (that can be highlighted when mousing over the camera) and thieves can only be detected if spotted in the vision cone. There are a variety of camera types including cameras for corners, cameras that spin, quad cameras and scanners (which improve detection chance). 

All Cameras With Corresponding Vision Cones
When a thief enters a camera's vision cone, it has a percentage chance of being detected that is based on the skill and rank of the thief. Players now have much more control on their security system and cameras follow clear and unwavering rules. 

Finally, the control room can now also be hacked by thieves which turns off all the cameras in the museum. Players will need to make sure they keep their control room well protected!

Control Room Being Hacked (Anims WIP)
Control Room Back Online (Anims WIP)
We've been getting a lot of requests to unify the stalls and make them look more appropriate for a museum. In response to this, we've completely overhauled their graphics to better reflect a museum setting. 

New Burger Stand

The new stalls now all follow the same template, with only the menus, food sign and decor changing for each. In addition, the stalls are made so that they can be combined with others, to form rows of stalls:

Example of Stalls Merging
When two stalls are placed together, the plan will be to 'merge' them so they look part of the same object. We've tested this with multiple stalls and we're really liking the effect!

A Large Row of Stalls

Guest Models

Finally, we've started making progress on the new guest models, but we will have more details on that hopefully next week!


*Next Week:

  • Guests!
*Work may be slowed due to contractual work

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