Friday, 20 February 2015

Dev Log Update: Guest Intelligence and Stall Prices

This Week:

We've spent a lot of time this week refining the guest intelligence, in particular how they relate to stalls and their prices. Before, we simply had a random chance if a guest would buy an item, and that chance would increase the hungrier/ thirstier they became. Now that we've added custom stall prices to the game, guests needed to have a deeper behaviour system. Guests now take into account the current price compared to the regular price, how hungry/thirsty they are and how much of their own money they are willing to spend. This makes guests much more complex individuals, with some guests who are tight on cash and only slightly hungry skipping that burger stand while others who are starving having to have a long think about buying that £25 hotdog... 

As mentioned, the stall price system has finally been added. Players can now fine-tune their stalls to bring maximum profits or make guests happier with cheaper prices. 

We've also been working on new relics (such as the Dino egg below) so that there are some interesting things for players to find in the upcoming alpha. 

What's Next:

  • Museum Rating & Prices Overview
  • Guest AI

In Other News:

Pretty quiet this week just focusing on the game development!

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