Monday, 2 March 2015

Dev Log Update: Alpha Feedback and Art Pipleline

Hey guys,

Sorry for a late update this week, we were swamped with launching Alpha Build 2 last Friday! We got some really great feedback and bug reports, and we've complied it all into a fix list that we're going to be working through over the coming month.

A few people have been asking for more details on the game development side and how we create certain parts of the game, so this update will focus on the 3D art pipeline of Museum Tycoon and how relics are made.

Firstly, we work in Blender (it's free!) to model and UV map the asset. Most of the asset's parts just have a basic light-map pack unless they require specific or detailed texturing.

Then, we give the whole model an ambient occlusion pass and begin texturing. If parts of the model do not need detailed texturing, they are vertex coloured in blender above the ambient occlusion. This saves us time and gives a unique look to our assets. If it needs a detailed pattern (such as the serpent's scales) we take it into Photoshop and paint a texture.

Once we're happy with the texture, we make the final scale and rotation adjustments in Blender and prepare to export it to Unity.

Once in Unity, we give it all the required asset prefabs such as giving off awe and checking where it can and cannot be placed.

Once all that's done, it's ready to be discovered by players and placed in the museum!

And that's the current art pipeline in Museum Tycoon!

In addition to the serpent, we tried to get as many assets in as possible last week ready for the alpha:

Next Week:

  • Continuing work on the fix list
  • Continuing work on more assets

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