This post is mainly to go into more detail about how fakes work in the game and their purpose. It also shows some of the fakes that will be available in the next alpha build.
Fakes in General:
Fakes provide many advantages to the player. Firstly, they are a way for players to buy objects that give off 'awe' to impress guests to donate. In addition, fakes not only generate awe but they also
multiply the awe of surrounding real relics (a kind of thorn between two roses theory: if you see a a run down, cardboard looking relic, it only makes the genuine relics next to it look even better). Not only this, but certain fakes also provide a set ability, such as sucking money from guests pockets or 'suggesting' them to donate money.
Standard Fakes:
As mentioned, standard fakes are fakes which do not have a set ability. However, they are still useful in boosting the surrounding awe of real relics and giving off awe on their own tile.
A Standard Fake: Big Foot Picture |
Ability Fakes:
Ability fakes are the fakes that present tough decisions to players in the late game. Even if your museum is running successfully, do you really want to get rid of that fake that's stealing money on the side for you? Ability fakes can provide unique and interesting bonuses such as gaining extra money or getting guests to buy more products in your museum.
An Ability Fake: Boney Phoney (Sucks Money From Guests) |
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