Friday, 26 June 2015

How We've Re-Worked Our Engine & Why We Had To Do It

At Mojobox, we come from a strong prototype workflow background. When we come up with concepts, we like to get them into working code as quickly as possible to see how well they work and how they can be improved.

This method has many benefits. Firstly, it allows us to dismiss ideas that just don't work in practice, and means that we can come up with solutions months in advance to issues that might have been more troublesome as more parts of the game were added. It also encourages us to be creative, and not get bogged down too heavily with theory and design documents.

However, at some point, the current game you have becomes a giant prototype; with certain scripts not co-operating as best they could be and code exceptions being made for certain game mechanics. Since Museum Tycoon is such a system-heavy game, we knew that at some-point we would need to re-visit our engine from the ground-up and change the game from 'working prototype' to professional game.

Now is that time.

What's Changed?

The game's core code structure has been completely re-worked and standardised so that every object, wall, path and person are unified under the same rules and conventions. For example, all objects now share the same user-interface code, and different buttons are added or removed depending on the object.

While this might not sound like much, it means that we can change every user interface in the game by changing only a couple of lines of code. How much time this will save us in the future is almost unmeasurable, and the improvements don't stop there.

Making levels is now a piece of cake thanks to our pixel-map reader. Instead of us setting up levels in the editor (which can take hours) we can now jot down all the key parts of a level (walls, buyable land, floor & path) in a simple 24x24 pixel map. The editor then reads this map and converts it into a level. From there, we just need to tweak scenery and add scenario objectives.

We've also optimised the game and stream-lined the code significantly, meaning that when bugs inevitably appear, they're much easier to spot.

Sounds Cool! But What Does It Mean for Me?

Lots of improvements! The first and most obvious improvement is how much freedom the player now has when creating the museum.

The old build did not have any functionality for wall creation or room editing. If we had stuck with it, we were doubtful we would have been able to make wall creation work alongside the already dense web of isolated systems.

With a clean slate and a more standardised system however, we are now happy to report players can truly build the museum of their dreams. 

Walls are still WIP! And will look much nicer as we go forward

Players can now build rooms and connect them via doors. You want a museum that's made up of separate buildings connected by lush gardens? No problem! You want to separate your toilets and canteen from the rest of the museum? Easy! You want to make the world's first phallic looking museum? Go for it!

The tools are incredibly simple and similar to many other tycoon/building games you've probably played. Simply drag the wall tool until it creates a room, and then doorways will automatically be created when you place path through them. 

Doorways are represented by archways for now, but will eventually have correct models

There are still many other improvements aside from being able to create your own unique museum. For example, now that the user interface system is much more streamlined, it means that we can make systems deeper, because we can show you all the required information more easily. Due to this, expect to see big news regarding the tour guide system in the coming months.

Finally, it means that mechanics and systems can be created much more quickly and tweaked and refined to a much higher degree. This will be crucial when we roll out the next alpha!

So, while all of this is great, it does mean that we will need to spend some time re-organising old mechanics into the new build. So for the next few weeks you might be seeing a lot of re-treading of old mechanics that are just being re-implemented to fit with the build. However, we hope that you will stick with us, because it will all be worth it in the end.   

Anything Else?

As a matter of fact, yes! We've finally got round to updating the guest models! The new models still keep to the Rayman-esque separate body parts (for optimisation purposes), but they're much more defined and even distinguish between male and female. As the weeks go on, we will continue to improve the texture and create a wide variety of different guest textures.

Textures will be improved and expanded as the weeks go on

Thank You

Finally, thank you for your patience: we know we haven't been in contact over the past few weeks and we really appreciate the concern on the subreddit. A combination of contractual work and overhauling the core game code meant that there wasn't anything interesting to show you and we didn't want to waste your time with bland posts! So I hope you can understand our reasons for going dark, and I hope that you will stick with us through the re-structuring and onwards to create best museum tycoon game we can make!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Dev Log Update: Cameras & Stall Update

This week we've completed the camera system and worked on a new look for the stalls.


The Basic Camera
Cameras have had a complete graphical and code update. Not only do they now look much better but they also have a variety of functions and types. 

Firstly, all cameras are connected to the control room and turn on and off depending on whether or not the control room is manned by a guard. If they are off, they cannot detect thieves. 

Cameras Turning Off & On
Not only this, but cameras now have a vision cone (that can be highlighted when mousing over the camera) and thieves can only be detected if spotted in the vision cone. There are a variety of camera types including cameras for corners, cameras that spin, quad cameras and scanners (which improve detection chance). 

All Cameras With Corresponding Vision Cones
When a thief enters a camera's vision cone, it has a percentage chance of being detected that is based on the skill and rank of the thief. Players now have much more control on their security system and cameras follow clear and unwavering rules. 

Finally, the control room can now also be hacked by thieves which turns off all the cameras in the museum. Players will need to make sure they keep their control room well protected!

Control Room Being Hacked (Anims WIP)
Control Room Back Online (Anims WIP)
We've been getting a lot of requests to unify the stalls and make them look more appropriate for a museum. In response to this, we've completely overhauled their graphics to better reflect a museum setting. 

New Burger Stand

The new stalls now all follow the same template, with only the menus, food sign and decor changing for each. In addition, the stalls are made so that they can be combined with others, to form rows of stalls:

Example of Stalls Merging
When two stalls are placed together, the plan will be to 'merge' them so they look part of the same object. We've tested this with multiple stalls and we're really liking the effect!

A Large Row of Stalls

Guest Models

Finally, we've started making progress on the new guest models, but we will have more details on that hopefully next week!


*Next Week:

  • Guests!
*Work may be slowed due to contractual work

Friday, 1 May 2015

Dev Log Update: Control Rooms, Thieves & Fish

This week we've managed to make a lot of headway on the new and improved security & thief system.

Thief System

We've been wanting to make thieves more interesting to the player, and after several weeks of tweaking and refining we finally think we've got a great system.

Thieves now work in groups, and try to undertake heists. 

Every group has a leader who the rest look up to. The leader finds the relic/donation stand he wants to steal and begins the heist. Everyone else in the group has 1 of 2 different jobs:

  • Bodyguards - When a heist begins, these guys actively look for guards to fight, to bide the leader time.
  • Hackers - These guys will head towards the control room (more on that later) and disable your cameras in the museum. 
Leader Signified by Gold Icon
If the leader is detected by a camera, the whole group gets revealed. If the leader of the heist is arrested, the heist is cancelled and the group scatter. However, if a regular member of the group is spotted or arrested, the heist continues as normal and the group are not revealed. 

A Group of Thieves Stealing a Donation Stand (Anim WIP)
This gives burglaries more strategic gameplay, since as a player you want to focus your guards on arresting the leader, and avoiding the bodyguards. So far it's improved the thief system dramatically. 

Security System

If we were going to make the thief system more complex we knew we needed to give the player more control over their guards and how they manage their security. 

Players can now send a 'ping' anywhere in the level to summon nearby guards. In addition, the guard's AI is still being worked on and they react to threats much more efficiently. 

We've also implemented the control room. This is the hub for your cameras in the game. If the control room is invaded by thieves, all cameras in your museum switch off. Therefore, it's important to keep this well protected! When you place a control room you have to assign one of your guards to protect it. 

A Guard on Camera Duty

We are still improving both the thief and security systems, and we will have more information next week. 


Finally, we also got round to re-modelling and animating the fish in the Coelacanth Tank!

Old Fish vs New Fish:

*Next Week:

  • Thief & Security System
  • Cameras
  • Fix List
  • Guest Models

*Progress will be slower next week due to some contract work and the bank holiday.

** In addition, the weekly video will be posted on Tuesday instead of Monday due to the bank holiday.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Dev Log Update: AI Overhaul & Fix List

This week we’ve been continuing work on the security system, overhauling the AI system and working on the fix list.

Firstly, we’ve completely re-worked the minion AI from the ground up to be more efficient and easier to expand. A lot of the improvements are hard to see at face value, but it allows us to be able to change aspects of the minion AI much quicker and be able to easily ‘slot in’ new components.

It’s so efficient to implement that we managed to quickly replace the janitor’s AI. He is now just as smart as the guards and will actively look for trash and toilets to clean. While the new AI system hasn’t revolutionised what we already have in terms of mechanics, it’s going to speed up the workflow of the guest AI significantly, and allow us to be able to add more features to them quickly. 

We’ve also been spending a lot of time attacking the fix list. Just a few examples of things we’ve fixed:

       Improving when money is spent on object placement
       Money getting added in the CancelAll Function
       Add a prompt to the quit button!
       Quit button should go to main menu
       Remove ready to donate graphics when laying tour paths
       Add arrows to tour guide direction on tours:

Still WIP

       Disable laying path underneath buttons being clicked
       Turn off pathway placement when any other button is clicked
       Patrol footstep colours not showing exactly who is selected:

       Build arrows should move at constant speed regardless of game speed
       Pathway tool cannot be deselected while other tools are open and creates unwanted roads.
       Objects being placed in unwanted spaces while having it selected and trying to click through HUD to see different tabs at the same time.
       Adding an indicator to show when something has been stolen:

Finally, we’ve also added a new curse to the relics called the Trashplosion: when viewing the relic the guest has a small random chance of exploding into trash. This not only makes more work for your janitors but also removes a paying customer from your museum!

Next Week:

  • Continue Security System
  • Improve Thief Mechanics
  • Continue Fix List

Friday, 17 April 2015

Dev Log Update: Feedback and Security Guards

This week we released alpha version 3.0 and we've been collecting feedback ever since! Thank you to everyone who took the time to play and give feedback it's been incredibly useful! We're compiling a large fix list that we will be working on over the coming weeks to make sure that the next alpha is a much smoother, engaging and funny experience.

Just a small segment of the fix list
We've also been working on making the security system much deeper and giving the player more control over it. This will be quite a large undertaking so we thought it would be best to start with something we already have: the security guard. 

Security guards are now much smarter: they have a cone of vision and will react to any illegal activities they find in that cone. They also run when they see a crime being committed instead of casually sauntering to the perpetrator:

Other guards who see the crime will also run to assist

In addition to this, guards will now also path-find to their patrol route if it's set in a different location to themselves. 

And finally, if a guard sees a full donation stand that is just outside of their patrol route, they will go out of their way to collect the money and then return to their patrol. This makes the guards not only look smarter but also stops the frustration of seeing guards ignoring donation stands:

There are still improvements to be made to the security guards which will be explored next week. 

Next Week:

  • Continuing with the Fix List
  • Improving Security System
  • Beginning Work on New Character Models

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Friday, 10 April 2015

Dev Log Update: Progress & Bug Fixing

The Easter holiday took a fair chunk of our work week this week but we keep on truckin' with the next build. Lots of great little bugs have been fixed this week such as relic crates appearing above one another and appearing off the map & making sure UI pieces stay flush with the screen when the camera moves. We're very close to whittling down the fix list getting everything ready for you guys to test.

Left & Right not shown due to size of the GIF, but watch how
the UI piece moves up and down with the camera

We've also been working on filling out the History Before History relic roster and hope to have them ready by next week. Lots of interesting, cool and funny relics await players in the next build!

We also found an old placeholder asset and compared to the current art, it's been over 6 months since we started Museum Tycoon and it's always nice to look back and see how far certain things have come:

From placeholder to current

Next Week:

  • Hopefully finishing off the fix list and getting the finishing touches done for Alpha Build 3!
  • Finishing off the History Before History relics

Friday, 3 April 2015

Dev Log Update: New Fakes, Relics and Improvements

We've spent a lot of this week working on more models for the next build. A fake that we've been wanting to implement for a long time is the DinoBot. On the surface, the DinoBot is a fake disguised as a basic dinosaur skeleton. However, when it spots a thief, it has a small percentage chance of firing a rocket into the air and destroying the thief. We want more fakes to have important uses such as the DinoBot. (The GIF version is overpowered to show you how it works)

We've removed the floor to improve the GIF

We've also been working on filling out the skeleton roster of the History Before History theme. We've been saving the skeletons until last and, now that they're in, they really complete the theme and make a museum look great.

On a more technical side, we've also spent a lot of time refining and polishing the game. For example, we now have a tooltip system that describes buttons when hovered over.

We've also made many more improvements such as adding placeholder animations for the tour guides, being able to reset and cancel a tour's path, UI improvements and a complete revamp of the research system to allow us to implement the save/load system with ease.

Next Week:

  • Continuing work on relics and fakes
  • Continuing polish and bug fixing

In Other News:

Due to the bank holiday next Monday we will be recording and releasing the next dev update video on Tuesday. 

Relic Showcase

Friday, 27 March 2015

Dev Log Update: Game Juicing

We've been continuing work on relics and the tour guide system, but we've also taken some time out to juice the game a bit to make it more satisfying to play.

For example, we've implemented a highlight system which highlights the object your mouse is over. If you hover over a relic, the highlight will also change colour to indicate its rarity.

We've also added one of the final, but most crucial, parts to the auction system. Now, the actual relic model will show when bidding. This is much more helpful and easier to recognise than just a name. It also looks pretty cool!

On a smaller scale, we've added a placeholder padlock icon to objects that you haven't unlocked through research yet (shown above).

In the fakes department, we've been working on the Fountain of Youth and the Missing Link:

Next Week:

  • More Relics & Fakes
  • More Juicing
  • More Fix List
  • More Tour Guide System

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Roughly 6 Month's Development!

Museum Tycoon has been in development for roughly 6 months now! The top screenshot was taken exactly 6 months ago.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Dev Log Update: Tour Guide System & Small Assets

The tour guide system is slowly getting more and more advanced. When placing the tour route, players can now click anywhere in the museum and the tour with path-find to that location. This means players can now create a whole tour in a couple of clicks.

Creating the Tour Guide Path

We've also been working on the podiums you can place along the tour. Guides now stop by the podiums and talk to the guests (the talking animations haven't been made yet!).

Placing Podiums

Guides Stopping at Podiums (Animations Will Come Later!)

In addition to the tour system we've also been working on a few small assets for the next build. For example, all of the food items are now properly modelled, instead of just white food-shaped cubes.

Next Week:

  • Continuing work on History Before History relics & fakes
  • Continuing work on the tour guide system
  • Additional changes to UI 

In Other News:

Quill 18 played a quick preview of the game! Link Here!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Fake System

This post is mainly to go into more detail about how fakes work in the game and their purpose. It also shows some of the fakes that will be available in the next alpha build.

Fakes in General:

Fakes provide many advantages to the player. Firstly, they are a way for players to buy objects that give off 'awe' to impress guests to donate. In addition, fakes not only generate awe but they also multiply the awe of surrounding real relics (a kind of thorn between two roses theory: if you see a a run down, cardboard looking relic, it only makes the genuine relics next to it look even better). Not only this, but certain fakes also provide a set ability, such as sucking money from guests pockets or 'suggesting' them to donate money.

Standard Fakes:

As mentioned, standard fakes are fakes which do not have a set ability. However, they are still useful in boosting the surrounding awe of real relics and giving off awe on their own tile.

A Standard Fake: Big Foot Picture

Ability Fakes:

Ability fakes are the fakes that present tough decisions to players in the late game. Even if your museum is running successfully, do you really want to get rid of that fake that's stealing money on the side for you? Ability fakes can provide unique and interesting bonuses such as gaining extra money or getting guests to buy more products in your museum. 

An Ability Fake: Boney Phoney (Sucks Money From Guests)

Friday, 13 March 2015

UI Implementation & More Relics

This week we've been implementing new the UI and creating a few relics along the way! The new UI is still not completely there yet, but things are already looking better than they did.

The clock is fully functional and shows the date, year and time of the month.

The buttons have been condensed to a small book at the bottom corner of the screen. We want players to be able to access all the tools and information of the game from the small book. Right now, players can buy land, hire staff and place paths and buildings from the corner, but eventually we will add 'bookmarks' that open up statistics such as annual finance sheets and relic catalogues.

We've also had some time to build a few more relics so we've bolstered the number of dinosaur bones found in the History Before History category! As you can see, we've also been playing around with colour correction and depth of field.

Next Week:

  • Implementation of new gameplay system
  • More History Before History Relics

Friday, 6 March 2015

Dev Log Update: UI and Bug Fixes

This week we’ve continued work on the Alpha 2 feedback and started to make improvements to the UI.

The UI will look a lot different by the time the next alpha rolls along. We’ve taken feedback on board and we’re trying to streamline the UI while also giving players more tools to get a deeper understanding of their museum.

As an example, the bar at the top of the screen will be replaced with a pocket watch that tells the month and year, as well as being able to pause, play and speed up time.

We’ve also overhauled all of the buttons and icons (making sure to add a proper close button this time around) and so far we’re happy with the results. However, it’s important to note that the UI will always be an evolving process throughout the development of Museum Tycoon.

We’re still working through our alpha bug list and have fixed a lot of issues including how guests react to donation stands and food stands, making paths more satisfying to build, how thieves steal relics, bugs with the research and explorer den and more. The crash bug that occurred at the start of the tutorial has now also been fixed.

In addition to all of this, we’ve been working on a new game mechanic that will hopefully be at a good stage to show next week, it’s something that you guys have been asking for and we think it’s going to improve game significantly.

Next Week:

  • Continuing work on the UI
  • Continuing work on the Fix List
  • Finishing the relics for History Before History Theme

In Other News: 

YouTuber "Our Alex" has made a really informative let’s play of the game which gets down into the nitty gritty of how the game works, it’s a good watch if you haven’t had a chance to play the game yet.